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Rev. Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr

Rev. Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr

Sunday, March 2, 2025

9 AM, 11 AM and 3 PM

Mount Tabor UMC

As part of the Rev. James Bellamy Preaching Series, we will welcome the Rev. Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr to our pulpit.  Dr. Weems will preach at both the 9 AM Modern Worship Service and 11 AM Traditional Service. At 3:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall, Dr. Weems will speak again with time for conversation and questions.

As part of the Rev. James Bellamy Preaching Series, we will welcome the Rev. Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr to our pulpit.  Dr. Weems will preach at both the 9 AM Modern Worship Service and 11 AM Traditional Service. At 3:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall, Dr. Weems will speak again with time for conversation and questions.

Dear Church Family,

I am thrilled to share with you that on Sunday, March 2 we are welcoming the Rev. Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr to our pulpit to be this year’s preacher as part of the Rev. James Bellamy Preaching Series. Dr. Weems will preach at both worship services in the morning and then speak again at 3:30pm with ample time for conversation and questions. I’ve asked Dr. Weems to share his wisdom as to “Who we are as United Methodists in the Wesleyan Tradition, where we go from here, our purpose, and our mission”. Dr. Weems and I connected over 15 years ago and I have always been impressed by his faith, character, scholarship, wisdom, and leadership.

He is a distinguished professor of church leadership emeritus at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. He came to Wesley in 2003 as the founding director of the Wesley’s Lewis Center for Church Leadership after eighteen years as president of Saint Paul School of Theology in Kansas City. Previously he was a pastor in Mississippi for many years.

A native of Mississippi, Dr. Weems is a graduate of Millsaps College; Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University; and Wesley Theological Seminary. He holds honorary degrees from Baker University, Central Methodist University, and Millsaps College. His years in local church ministry in Mississippi were marked by both evangelism and social concerns. His work in Mississippi led distinguished Mississippi writer Willie Morris to describe him as “one of the persons who added much to the growing civility of Mississippi.”

He is the author of numerous books including his widely used church leadership text, Church Leadership: Vision, Team, Culture, and Integrity, described by Rosabeth Moss Kanter of Harvard Business School as “an invaluable guide to leadership in the church.” His most recent book (with F. Douglas Powe, Jr.) is Sustaining While Disrupting: The Challenge of Congregational Innovation.

I can’t wait for you to meet him and hear him share God’s Word with us. I hope that you will begin to make plans to be in worship on March 2 and return in the afternoon to hear more. What a gift James Bellamy was to our church and all the churches and people he served in the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church. I believe James would be pleased to know that Lovett Weems will be here to honor his legacy of service and ministry.


Pastor David

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