In the good times and in the bad times, God provides all that we need to sustain us and carry us through each new day, one new day at a time. All that we are and all that we have are gifts from God. Stewardship is a spiritual matter. It is not just about money and giving. It is about how we use our blessings and how we live our lives to honor God and the things God loves. It is about putting our lives and our blessings in proper perspective.
An Approach to Giving
Begin with prayer. Thank God for your blessings and ask for guidance and discernment.
Assess your income and giving. Determine your current giving as a percentage of your income.
Set your giving goal. The important thing is to begin the spiritual discipline of regular, consistent giving.
Determine your giving method. Take a look at the ways you can give and select the option that is best for both you and the church.
Worship with gratitude.
About the Budget
Giving Report for the week of January 19, 2024:
Budget $33,676.56
Event Payments $765.00
Other $640.31
Total Deposit $35,081.87
As a a congregation, we respond to the financial needs of our church by "pledging" a portion of our monetary blessings yearly. To submit your Estimate of Giving information online visit
2024 Pledge Report:
204 Pledges = $986,294
2025 Estimate of Giving Report:
252 Pledges = $1,318,613
Questions about the budget, pledges, stewardship, or online giving should be directed to Holly Smith, Church Business Administrator, at