Outreach Opportunities
Go Faithfully in love and action
At Mount Tabor, we believe strongly that truly being the body of Christ means being the hands of Christ in the world. Our mission statement says in part, “to go faithfully into the world to share God’s love.” Our goal is for everyone to hear and discover God’s call and to obey it, and that everyone would discover the joy of serving. The Outreach Committee and the staff encourage each member of MTUMC to prayerfully seek a place to serve, because, as United Methodists, service is an integral part of our faith. It is part of living out our faith: putting what we believe into action, making a difference in the world, and being the church beyond the walls of the church. We wholeheartedly agree with the injunction of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, who boldly proclaimed, “The world is our parish!”​
In addition to providing financial support for many local and global ministries, MTUMC members volunteer in a great variety of activities and at many different agencies. Some of those service opportunities are described on the pages linked below, and we are always interested in learning about new opportunities for service. Our prayer is that you would seek the place God is calling you to serve and perhaps has gifted you or given you a passion or interest in serving. ​
To learn more about specific outreach opportunities visit the serve at Mount Tabor, serve in our community and serve around the world pages.