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Response to Racial Injustice

As a body of Christ, we are called to love our neighbor. We extend that love in word and deed and as we respond to the situations we face as a community.


As a church, we join our voices in witness, protest and promise in these times of violence against our Black brothers and sisters.

Jesus taught that one of the greatest commandments was to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  His words and actions made it clear that “neighbors” includes people we might not even know but whom society marginalizes or mistreats.  Our neighbors might not live next door or even in our neighborhood.  They might not look like us. But they are still our neighbors.  Check out some conversations we’re having at MTUMC to help us better live out this calling of our faith -- to love our neighbors as ourselves -- by building bridges toward racial reconciliation.

Building Bridges
Bridge Builders: Conversation #1
Building Bridges Conversation #2
Building Bridges Conversation #3

What can you do?

You are invited to visit the above links for resources in each of these areas.


We listen for the voice of Jesus in our private acts of devotion and our public acts of worship. 


We begin our work by joining hands and hearts to journey side by side. 

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We seek to be present at the rally, to the pain of others, and for opportunities to use our voices for change.


Jesus calls us not only to speak, but to join in the work of liberating the oppressed.

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