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Prayer Request

Thank you for submitting your prayer request.

Pray for those who are poor.

Daily Prayer Prompt

Follow @MountTaborUMCWS on Instagram and Facebook for daily prayer prompt posts.

Mount Tabor believes in the power of prayer and wants to pray for whatever is on your heart. Please complete the Prayer Request form with your need. 


Requests submitted here will be sent to Mount Tabor UMC clergy and to our Prayer Chain unless you check that box that says "This is a Private Request." Private requests will only be known to the pastors.  


It is an honor and privilege to pray for you.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."  

- Philippians 4:6

Congregational Care

Our pastors are committed to providing Pastoral Care and spiritual nurture to our members and friends.  This includes baptisms, weddings, house blessings and pastoral visitations in homes, rest homes and hospitals. Although we are not a “crisis intervention” agency, we will provide confidential pastoral counseling and spiritual nurture.  We encourage people to contact the church office to inform us of their pastoral care needs. Our goal is to be there for our members when they need us.

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